Baseball weights fall semester-S1 Assignments

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Competence, Courage, Discernment in Google Classroom

Competence, Courage, Discernment

-Read through each of the three qualities that tie into leadership.  
-Write the word Ex: Competence and write down what bullet points that describe what the word is.


List two things you gathered from the reading. in Google Classroom

List two things you gathered from the reading.


Survey  in Google Classroom


Take the survey and post your score in this assignment.


1. Communicators take something complicated and ____________________________________. 2. Why was Reagan a good executive? 
3. What four basic truths can make you a more effective communicator? 
4. To a communicator your best friends are?  in Google Classroom

1. Communicators take something complicated and ____________________________________. 2. Why was Reagan a good executive? 3. What four basic truths can make you a more effective communicator? 4. To a communicator your best friends are?


1. People do not follow _______________ leaders.  2. True commitment ________ & _________ people.  3. What is commitment to the marathoner? 4. What are the 4 types of people when dealing with commitment? Which are you?  in Google Classroom

1. People do not follow _______________ leaders. 2. True commitment ________ & _________ people. 3. What is commitment to the marathoner? 4. What are the 4 types of people when dealing with commitment? Which are you?


1. The first impression can _____________  _______  ____________. 
2. How can you have Charisma? 
3. Charisma Plainly Stated is? 
4. What Pointers do you need to Personify? 
5. What are the roadblocks to Charisma?  in Google Classroom

1. The first impression can _____________ _______ ____________. 2. How can you have Charisma? 3. Charisma Plainly Stated is? 4. What Pointers do you need to Personify? 5. What are the roadblocks to Charisma?


Character:  1. What four steps can be taken to improve your character? 2. Finish the sentence: "That's what real character is-_________________________________________"
 in Google Classroom

Character: 1. What four steps can be taken to improve your character? 2. Finish the sentence: "That's what real character is-_________________________________________"

Read through the document. Reflect.  Answer the two questions. 


Are you lifting today?  in Google Classroom

Are you lifting today?


Did you complete the Mobility Video?  in Google Classroom

Did you complete the Mobility Video?

Answer with 
1. Yes
2. I will soon 


Who has got their lift in today?  in Google Classroom

Who has got their lift in today?

A. Yes
B. Going later today 


Did you complete your upper body lift?  in Google Classroom

Did you complete your upper body lift?

A. Yes 
B. No
C. I am going this afternoon