Period2-2022-S1 Assignments

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Factoring Polynomials & Solving quadratics by applying a square root IXL J(7) & K(6) in Google Classroom

Factoring Polynomials & Solving quadratics by applying a square root IXL J(7) & K(6)

Factoring Polynomials and Solving quadratics by applying a square root IXL J7 & K6

Grades are rounded up to the nearest ten.  For example a 93 is recorded as a 100.


More Factoring; J (5,6) in Google Classroom

More Factoring; J (5,6)

Complete IXL: J(5,6).
Topics include: J5-Factor by grouping, J6-Factor sums and differences of cubes

Remember that grades will be rounded up to the nearest ten.  For example a student that makes an86 will have a 90 recorded in the gradebook.


Factoring IXL J (1-4) in Google Classroom

Factoring IXL J (1-4)

Complete IXL assignment J(1-4).
Topics include: J1- Factor out a monomial, J2-Factor using algebra tiles, J3-Factor quadratics, J4-factor special cases using quadratic pattern

Grades will be rounded up to the closest ten. For example a student that made an 88 will have the grade recorded as a 90.


Introduction to Complex Numbers: IXL I (1-4) in Google Classroom

Introduction to Complex Numbers: IXL I (1-4)

Complete the IXL assignment on Complex Numbers I (1-4)
Topics include: I1-Introduction to complex numbers, I2-Add/subtract complex numbers, I3-Complex conjugates, I4- Multiply complex numbers

IXl grades will round up to the nearest ten above your grade.  For example a 74 is recorded as an 80.


Real Numbers: IXL H: (1-3) in Google Classroom

Real Numbers: IXL H: (1-3)

Please complete IXL H: (1-3)
The topics are: H1-sort rational/irrational numbers,  H2-classify rational and irrational numbers, H3-Classify after applying properties/operations to see if they rational or irrational

The scoring is the same as discussed before.  For example if you make a 73 or a 78 your grade would be an 80.


More Functions IXL D: (10-14) in Google Classroom

More Functions IXL D: (10-14)

Your assignment is to complete IXL D (10-14)

The topics are D10-Average Rate of Change, D11-Graph Absolute Value, D12-Domain/range of Abs. Value graphs, D13-Domain/range of Abs. value functions, D14-Transforms of Abs Value functions

Grades will be bumped up to the next tens place value.  For example if you make a 92, I will record a 100 in the gradebook.