****1st-Econ-Fall 2021 ****-S1 Assignments

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Th - 9/2/21 - Lesson - Economics  in Google Classroom

Th - 9/2/21 - Lesson - Economics

- review yesterday's assignments :
- Complete our daily lesson review charts.
- Take the Google Quiz - 
- Complete the Fiscal Practice

- Students had not done the chart, or the fiscal review page.  
Therefore made the chart due for a grade on Tuesday.  
Students were also supposed to do the originally planned work.


U1 - What is Econ? - Packet & PPT in Google Classroom

U1 - What is Econ? - Packet & PPT

The power point for this unit is posted.  The student packet is in the upper right hand corner under "Your Work".

NOTE:  Like our Taxes Unit #9, I will be crossing off sections.  If you are absent & doing this at home, please do all sections.  The added information on the powerpoint will most likely be the concepts that I am explaining in class, but you are absent.  It can only help your understanding.


W - 9/8/21 - **Econ. Taxes Quiz is here!!** in Google Classroom

W - 9/8/21 - **Econ. Taxes Quiz is here!!**

Today you will take your quiz.  We'll review for just a few minutes, then you will take your quiz.

Things to know:
- Revenue
- different kinds of taxes - Property, Death/gift/Estate, Excise, Income, Sales
- to determine % / amount taxed, multiply by .15 or .20 or whatever the % is.
- progressive, proportional "INCOME' taxes - tax brackets
- Taxable income
- deductions

Due today:
Daily Lesson Review Chart from last week
Fiscal Policy multiple choice questions
Fiscal policy application chart.

Finish anything that you have not turned in..


T - 9/7/21 - Lesson - Economics  in Google Classroom

T - 9/7/21 - Lesson - Economics

We will review all of these - We did this all last week.  They are due today by midnight!
-  Review the Daily Lesson Chart Answers 
-  Fiscal policy multiple choice questions
-  Complete the Fiscal Policy Practice

- Take the Google Quiz - 

**** Due Today 
- Daily Lessons Review Chart
- Fiscal Policy Application Review Chart
- Fiscal Policy Multiple Choice Questions

****  Quiz tomorrow!!! - There is a Google practice quiz on this page that you can use tonight to review.  Tomorrow the quiz will count!!!!


M - 8/30/21 - Lesson - U9 Taxes & Gov't Spending/Bingo in Google Classroom

M - 8/30/21 - Lesson - U9 Taxes & Gov't Spending/Bingo

Hey Kids!  I'm going to try to put everything we do each day on 1 tab with the day of the week.  Hopefully it will work. 
Monday ----August 30, 2020----Econ.
Class time:
1)  First thing you need to do, is join our Google Meet
2)  Split your screen between the meet & our classroom. (I will explain in our meet, or there are instructions in our resource section.)
3)  Bingo - First we'll review the terms,(attached) & then we will play. Winners get bonus points for today's class participation.  (FYI - yes, you will be given a participation grade for our lesson time.  Just logging in will earn you a 70.  Scores from there up will be based on how much you join in, either by speaking or using chat, and, if I can tell you are following along.  These will be easy 100's!!)
4) Open the attached vocabulary document.
5)  When I tell you to, open the link to our bingo game.
6)  U9 - Taxes & Government Spending -  ppt & packet work continued.
I will have the ppt open.  You can too if you want. (You can find it in our Power Points & Student Packets section).  Hopefully you have a copy of the packet.  If not, you can find it in our Power Points & Student Packets section.  It is probably going to be difficult to write on the online copy, but you can try.  Or, you can open a doc & just copy the answers as best you can.  You could also just do that on a blank sheet of paper too.  Know however, that this will be graded.
* Note - We will start our CNN10 again tomorrow & continue at the start of each class.  After we discuss it, we will begin our lesson for the day.
Worktime:  (remember, I'll still be in the meet if you have any questions or need help with anything)
1)  Make a copy of the vocabulary list.  Define each term - IN YOUR OWN words. 
2)  When done with the vocab. - you're done for the day!