Bumgardner 1.2 AP GoPo-FY Assignments

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Past Assignments


Final Project - Civic Engagement  in Google Classroom

Final Project - Civic Engagement


SCOTUS Case Criteria  in Google Classroom

SCOTUS Case Criteria


Federalist 51 (Friday, February 4th, 2022 - Do with the sub during class) in Google Classroom

Federalist 51 (Friday, February 4th, 2022 - Do with the sub during class)

Read Federalist 51 and then answer the questions about it. Turn in on google classroom. You can type the answers into the document with the questions and turn that in.


Brutus 1 in Google Classroom

Brutus 1


Federalist 10 in Google Classroom

Federalist 10

Do the guided reading for Federalist 10. Type your answers into the answer sheet document.


Bill of Rights Memes  in Google Classroom

Bill of Rights Memes

See attached instructions - must be submitted on google slides through google classroom.


Letter from Birmingham Jail in Google Classroom

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Read MLK's letter and answer the corresponding questions.


Policy Proposals Practice  in Google Classroom

Policy Proposals Practice


Political Socialization Poster Projects  in Google Classroom

Political Socialization Poster Projects

Take a picture of your political socialization projects and submit them here. I have a VERY few number of people who turned theirs into the sub. If you turned yours into the sub just turn in a document or picture or something here saying you already turned it in. Please do this before midnight on Wednesday (9/1/2021).