3rd Block Fall 2020-S1 - Honors Algebra 2 Assignments

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Continue Prominent Features of Graphs  in Google Classroom

Continue Prominent Features of Graphs

Continue to teach prominent features of graphs such as y-axis intercepts, x-axis intercepts (zeros), maximum number of bends, general shape, maximums and minimums, informal and formal end behavior, increasing, decreasing, constant, odd, even & neither symmetry, and domain and range.

Work on Review/Practice test for twenty minutes.


Line Review in Google Classroom

Line Review


Take Algebra 2 Diagnostic Test and Introduce Literal Equations in Google Classroom

Take Algebra 2 Diagnostic Test and Introduce Literal Equations


Four Fours & Order of Operations in Google Classroom

Four Fours & Order of Operations

We will be completing both sides of this worksheet in class. We will continue to learn students names.