Success Criteria: I can define a bill. I can list the process for a bill to become a law in a timeline. I can explain the process for a bill being Introduced in the legislative process. I can explain the role of the Speaker in the legislative process. I can explain the role of Committee Action in the legislative process. I can explain the role of the Rules Committee in the legislative process. I can explain a Bill Called Up in the legislative process. I can explain Floor Action in the legislative process. I can explain Conference Committee in the legislative process. I can explain Vote on Compromise in the legislative process. I can explain Presidential Action in the legislative process. I can explain Veto to Override in the legislative process. I can define rider. I can define discharge petition. I can define quorum. I can define engrossed. I can define filibuster. I can define cloture. I can define veto. I can define pocket veto. |