Span 1 CONJUGATING ar verbs!!!
- What
- Span 1 CONJUGATING ar verbs!!!
- When
- 3/8/2023
Standards: AR verbs, present tense
Learning Targets: I can form the present tense in Spanish
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice:
id's on?
check for verb drawings homework
Watch the video on CONJUGATING Spanish verbs (attached - Conjugations Back video))
Introduce AR verb endings.
Discuss"CONJUGATON"Copy chart of endings from board. AR verb endings. yo - o tú - as él, ella, usted - a nosotros -amos vosotros - éis, ellos/ustedes - an
Conjugate hablar on paper: (And write the meanings)
(yo) hablo (nosotros) hablamos
(tú) hablas (vosotros) habláis
(él) habla (ellos/ustedes) hablan
Pick six more verbs and conjugate them (NOT jugar) into your notebook
Watch Maestro Kaplan!!!
With a partner, say, "I .... or I don't...." with the following verbs: teach, speak Spanish, pay attention, raise my hand, get a good grade, swim, surf the web, work, play the piano, study, dance, travel, paint, sing.
Introduce the VERB ENDINGS present tense song with exercise sentences on the back! (ATTACHED)
quiz each other over AR verbs list and circle your partner's missed verbs!
Around the world. OR charades, to prepare for Verbs meanings quiz
Differentiation: kinesthetic/musical endings
Assessment Strategy:gauge by monitoring
Homework: proof of memory AR verb endings (for a grade tomorrow)