Art Comp The Baroque

Art Comp The Baroque

Teacher : Robert Smith
Course/ Subject: Art Comp - The Baroque
Date of Instruction: 09/29/23
Opening (I Do)
An engaging process for lesson introduction that is specifically planned to encourage equitable and purposeful student participation. Describe the instructional process that will be used to introduce the lesson.
TKES 1, 2, 3,4,5, 8,10

VAHSVA.CR.4 Incorporate formal and informal components to create works of art.
a. Use principles of design to organize elements of art to create unified compositions.
VAHSVA.CR.5 Reflect on, revise, and refine works of art considering relevant traditional and contemporary practices as well as artistic ideation.
VAHSVA.CN.1 Develop personal artistic voice through connecting uses of art within a variety of cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts.
a. Discuss the intent of works of art in context to historical events.
b. Examine universal themes that appear in works of art throughout various times and cultures.
c. Analyze the ways in which personal experience affects the understanding and appreciation of works of art.
d. Investigate the role of works of art as visual record keeper.
e. Identify specific knowledge and skills from other disciplines that inform the planning and execution of works of art.

Learning Target:
I can identify the principles of design in the environment and in works of art

I incorporate formal and informal components in works of art

I recognize the role of art in the context of historical events

I can examine universal themes that appear in works of art throughout time and diverse cultures

I can reflect, revise, and refine works based on traditional and contemporary practices

Success Criteria:
I identified the elements and principles of design in the environment and in works of art with an emphasis on the role of design

I incorporated by formal and informal components in works of art through the use of elements and principles

I recognize and examine the role of art in historical events and through the prisms of time and culture

I recognize the role of reflection, revision, and refinement in works of art based on traditional and contemporary techniques
Review the following terms

The Baroque

Academy - an institution whose main objectives include training artists in an academic tradition, ennobling the profession, and holding exhibitions

Exemplum Virtutis - a painting that tells a moral tale for the viewer

Fete galante - an 18th century French style of painting that depicts the aristocracy walking through a forested landscape

Genre Painting - a painting in which scenes of everyday life are depicted

Impasto - a thick and very visible application of paint on a painting surface

Tenebrism - a dramatic dark and light contrast in a painting

Vanitas - a theme in still life painting that stresses the brevity of life and the folly of human vanity

The teacher will identify examples of the formal design principles in the environment

The teacher will identify the role of art in the context of historical events

The teacher will identify universal themes that appear in works of art throughout time and diverse cultures

The teacher will identify examples of the use of principle in visual design.
The teacher will identify the role of reflection, revision, and refinement in works of art through traditional and contemporary techniques.

(See the video link on the below for an overview of the lesson)

Work Period (We Do, You Do)
Students learning by doing/demonstrating learning expectations. Describe the instructional process that will be used to engage the students in the work period.
TKES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. 8,10

Egyptian Art Project

The student will complete a composition that organizes the elements of design through guidelines provided by the principles of design.

These elements and principles of design will be incorporated into a work that incorporates historical themes and techniques of global art.

The student will use the process of reflection, revision, and refinement in developing a work of art


Students will create a composition that illuminates the use of the principles of design.

Students will use the principles of design to organize the elements of design in a composition

The works subject matter will incorporate universal themes identified in historical works

Students will use reflection, revision, and refinement in developing a work

Closing (We Check)
Describe the instructional process that will be used to close the lesson and check for student understanding .
TKES : 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8

Begin a composition that recognizes and applies the principles and elements of design in the surrounding environment and historical works of art

Informal evaluations of emerging principle of designs compositions through the use of elements of design

Informal evaluations of students use of reflection, revision, and refinement in developing a work of art…

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