French 1 - Lesson Plan

French 1 - Lesson Plan

Learning Target: I know that I have learned it when I can:

I can describe a person thoroughly!

Success Criteria:
I know the irregular verb ETRE.
I know 20+ French adjectives.
I know how/when to make adjectives "agree".

INTRODUCTION: Geography warm-ups! 1. Circular game (everyone is a part of the geographical story). 2. Classify each geographical item given.


Geography Test.

Do you still remember how to conjugate ETRE????
We'll review our 'irregular' verb ETRE - pronunciation, meaning, how to negate/invert, etc.

Let's review all of our new adjectives! - pronunciation, spelling, adding agreement, etc.
Let's finish the list.

Compliment or Insult? - see jamboard link below

We'll write a paragraph describing ourselves.

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