French 1 - Lesson Plan

French 1 - Lesson Plan

Learning Target: I know that I have learned it when I can:

I can describe my family.

Success Criteria:
I know the irregular verb ETRE.
I know 20+ French adjectives.
I know how/when to make adjectives "agree".
I know the irregular verb AVOIR.
I know the proper vocabulary to discuss my family.

INTRODUCTION: Conjugate avoir & etre!!

We'll review La Famille Vocab (I attached the notes below in case you were absent)
We'll learn how to ask "how many ___(dogs/cats/sisters/cousins) do you have" and how to answer it.
We'll discuss how many dogs/cats/sisters/cousins we have with a partner.
We'll report back our findings.

We'll learn how to ask the name and age of someone else - "What is the name of your ______(dog/cat/sister/cousin)" "How old is__"
We'll discuss names/ages with our partners and report back

We'll practice using all of it - see worksheets below - "Family Recognition" and "Family Worksheet"
We'll add on describing someone's hair/eyes - see slides #25-26 (Ma Famille 2 powerpoint)

We'll discuss your family project.

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