French 1 - Lesson Plan

French 1 - Lesson Plan

Learning Target: I know that I have learned it when I can:

I can describe my family.

Success Criteria:
I know the irregular verb ETRE.
I know 20+ French adjectives.
I know how/when to make adjectives "agree".
I know the irregular verb AVOIR.
I know the proper vocabulary to discuss my family.

INTRODUCTION: Name & Age warm-ups - slide #4 (Daily 10) Hair/Eyes warm-ups - slide 6-7

Conjugate avoir & etre!! RACE?!?!?

We'll review La Famille Vocab (I attached the notes below) and then we'll practice using it.

We'll spend time discussing a person in detail - relationship (mom, dad, etc), name, age, hair color, eye color etc

We'll practice translating

We'll discuss your family project. See "family project" attached. We'll discuss the expectations and will start writing our first paragraph.

We'll learn our 'articles' - my, your, a, the, etc

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