French 1 - Lesson Plan

French 1 - Lesson Plan

Learning Target: I know that I have learned it when I can:

I can describe my family.

Success Criteria:
I know the irregular verb ETRE.
I know 20+ French adjectives.
I know how/when to make adjectives "agree".
I know the irregular verb AVOIR.
I know the proper vocabulary to discuss my family.

INTRODUCTION: Edit this paragraph!!


We'll read one more example of great family member paragraphs and edit some more not-so-good' sentences - PLEASE AVOID THESE ERRORS!

Students will have the opportunity to finish all of their family paragraphs - I will help with any "new" words.

We will review the project expectations - see slide #38 on Daily 10 powerpoint

We'll review our possessive articles (mon, ton, son, etc). We'll focus on the "son,sa,ses" and then we'll add on "our, your, their".

We'll also tackle saying "Grace's dog" and "Brodie's sister"

We'll practice these in writing- see "family and possession practice" worksheet below.

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