9-4-24 Performing Mathematical Operations in Medicine (Real Number System)
- What
- 9-4-24 Performing Mathematical Operations in Medicine (Real Number System)
- When
- 9/4/2024
Teacher: Coach Wakeland/Ms Cassidy
Course/Subject: College Readiness
Real Number System
CRM.MM.1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4
Learning Targets:
I can describe the purpose of public health.
I can provide examples of public health actions.
I can compare and contrast the roles of a healthcare provider and epidemiologist in
improving health.
I can evaluate patterns of disease occurrence to differentiate among endemic,
outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic levels of disease occurrence.
I can describe the circumstances when a virus would be considered a novel virus and
describe its role in emerging pandemics.
I can track events over time and location to determine when NERD becomes a
Success Criteria:
I can complete a vocabulary card sort of vocabulary and their definitions.
Introduction/Connection: Daily 10
Direct Instruction:
Daily 10
Proportional Reasoning in Medicine
Guided Practice: Students will learn about the Mathematics application during the Proportional Reasoning in Medicine activity
Independent/Collaborative Practice/Differentiation: Students will be allowed to work in pairs to complete the given assignment Practice Worksheet
Summarize/Check for understanding: Teacher questioning, guided practice will be checked for accuracy and corrections will be made.