Julieus "JB" Page Named November Golden Rule Student of the Month

Join me in congratulating Julieus "JB" Page as the November Golden Rule Student of the Month!
The Nomination:
"Julieus, otherwise known as JB, is one of the kindest individuals I have ever had in my class. He has never met a stranger, and it doesn't matter what group, if any, the student is a part of, he befriends them. I have witnessed him partner with individuals who others refused to because they aren't considered in the "right" group. I have seen him help individuals who are struggling to understand an assignment. He makes sure to work hard, and he makes sure not to take himself too seriously.  JB always comes to class with a smile on his face. He is sure to greet everyone he encounters. He will go out of his way to make people feel comfortable in uncomfortable situations. In class, he has turned awkward situations into entertaining situations with his sense of humor. 
His ability to read the room and others is an incredible asset.  He is everyone's mascot. He is encouraging and complimentary. 
He gives recommendations on work with kindness and compassion. His peers are lucky to have him."
Please nominate students who display the Golden Rule like Julieus and tell me all about it!
Get your nominations in for January!
To learn more about the program click here!
To NOMINATE students click here!
What is the Golden Rule Program?
This program gives educators an opportunity to acknowledge, award and celebrate students who exhibit the Golden Rule on a regular basis in their lives!
To learn more about the program click here!
To start nominating students click here!
1 student will be chosen each month from the nominations that you submit!
Please contact me if you have any questions!
More details:
Anyone at Glynn Academy - Teacher, Staff or Student can nominate!
Monthly winners will receive $50 and much more!
Submit your nominations each month by the 5th of each month to have your submission considered.
The Golden Rule Character Awards Program is sponsored by the Katz Ray and Helen Whittle Foundation. The purpose of the program is to recognize and reward students who show respect for others, self-control, patience, and display honesty, kindness, compassion, generosity, cooperation, and patriotism.