Glynn Academy DECA completed their state development career conference this weekend in Atlanta, Georgia.

49 students from our chapter showed up to compete in professional selling, role-play, and team, role-play events in areas of marketing, hospitality, tourism, business, finance, and management.

Our chapter was recognized for being the ninth largest in the state, earning both the membership and community service state awards from Georgia DECA. We also earned diamond status for the second year in a row and was one of two schools in the state who achieved all four national thrive campaign awards earned  by our leadership team in areas of promotion, community service, ethics, and membership.

Our leadership team is lead by Presidents Lake Boyer and Pace Davis and executive vice president Liza Johnson.

Asa Roberts and Kennedy Ringle earned thrive national status in the promotional campaign.  Marshall Kent , Liam Kelso, and Jackson Grantham earned thrive national status in the ethical campaign. Emma Kate Kidder and Evan Wallace Ross earned thrive national status in the community service campaign. Abigail Parker and Ava Grace Good earned thrive national status in the membership campaign.

In individual events -

Lauren Thaxton won 2nd in state for job interview.

Deuce Hidalgo won 11th place in Automotive Services.

Reese Szychoski won 14th place in Principles of Business Administration.

Cole Albright won 18th place in Sports and Entertainment Marketing.

In team events- 

Joanna Perez and Ava Grace Good won 13th place in Entrepreneurship.

President Lake Boyer and Benton Dyal won 5th in Financial Services.

Sophia Mendez and Jocelyn Garcia won 4th in Marketing Management.

Conner Ellis and Caroline Sexton won 2nd place in Hospitality Services

Abigail Parker and Liam Kelso won 2nd place in Travel and Tourism

President Pace Davis and Emma Kate Kidder won FIRST PLACE in the state for Marketing Management

And finally Jackson Grantham and Asa Roberts won FIRST PLACE in the state for Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Congrats to Dan Meyers and Autumn Roberts for a successful DECA season. A very special thank you to sponsors, friends and family of Glynn Academy DECA who made this success possible.