Spanish 1
- What
- Spanish 1
- When
- 8/11/2021
Day 2 Lesson Procedures, Greetings, pronunciation
Standard: Basic Spanish Greetings
Learning Targets: What are Señora Fendig's classroom procedures? What are some ways to greet people, ask your name, and say farewell, with correct pronunciation?
Success Criteria: I will know I have it when I can ask and give my name, and pronounce the vowels in Spanish.
Daily Instruction/Guided Practice:
Take Attendance/homework during Daily Ten:
Intro Connection: (Daily Ten)
Label the Daily Tens page in your notebook. Then, date and copy the following. including accents and punctuation: What's your name = ¿Cómo te llamas? My name is = Me llamo... Nice to meet you = Mucho gusto. Encantado / Encantada = Delighted! Same here = Igualmente./ Es un placer = It’s a pleasure. / El gusto es mío. = The pleasure is mine.
Speaking Exercise: Around Room Spanish speaking: Cómo te llamas? Me llamo ….
Explain passing in papers procedure and pass in homework handout. Assign student “collector” for August, show student which bin to out papers in.
Go over classroom Rules and Procedures (attached)
remind: 1.5 inch binder/paper/pencils
discussion of the vowels! a,e,i,o,u (song!)
discussion of your names the Spanish way!
Repetition of the greetings phrases from the "vocab greetings list handout"
crossword puzzle complete at desk (work in groups) (attached)
Go over syllabus/course expectations (parent signatures due tomorrow
If time, begin textbook preliminary chapter greetings exercises.
Assessment: Gauge Oral Responses
Synthesize: Ticket out the door: Tell me a farewell in Spanish. (other than Adiós )
Homework: Get parent/guardian signature in on the course syllabus and tardy policy documents, AND look over my website with a parent/guardian.