About Us » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

School Operations

  • When is the first and last day of school? School calendars are located on the county web pages under the Parents tab. 
  • What time does school start and end? School begins at 8:20 AM and ends at 3:20 PM. Bell schedules are located on the school website under the Parent tab. 
  • How do I find out in which school my child is zoned? Zones are located on the county web pages under the Parents tab. 
  • Where is lost and found? Our lost and found is located in the Assistant Principals’ office in the downstairs of the Science Building.
  • What time do the school buildings open? The buildings open at 7:45 AM but students are only allowed in the media center (in the Science building) which opens at 7:30 AM or in teachers’ classrooms if prior arrangements have been made with the teachers.
  • What hours will the office be open? The school office is open from 7:45 AM until 4:00 PM.
  • What is the student/teacher ratio? The ratio is approximately 1 teacher to 20 students.
  • How can I find out about the bus schedule and routes? Bus schedules and routes are located on the county web pages under the Parents tab. 
  • What are the school’s phone number and the fax number? The phone number is 267-4210 and the fax number is 267-4246.
  • What is the school’s address? 1001 Mansfield Street, Brunswick, Georgia, 31520.
  • How do I find out if school is cancelled? The local media, the school website, and a calling system.
  • How much time do students have between classes? The students have five minutes in between classes.
  • Is five minutes enough time to get across campus? As long as students do not waste time, students can make it completely across campus in the five minutes between classes.
  • Are there any summer assignments? Some classes do require summer assignments and these assignments are posted on the school homepage.
  • What clubs are available at Glynn Academy?  All club information is listed under the Extracurricular tab on the website. 
  • What is the dress code for students? The dress code policy is in the Student handbook which can be found under the Parent tab on the school website. 
  • Do students need to wear their ID cards? Yes, all students must wear their ID cards around their neck so that it is visible at all times.
  • Can my student get a replacement ID if it is lost?  Yes, you may get a replacement ID for $5 with the lanyard and badge holder costing an additional $2 for a total of $7.00. New IDs can be purchased in the media center (downstairs of the Science Building). Only cash and check are accepted and payment must be made at the time you get the ID.
  • What happens if my student does not have an ID or money on a particular day? They can get a temporary ID from their teacher and they will receive silence lunch after their third temporary ID.
  • Can students get their nickname printed on their ID? No, only legal names that are listed in Infinite Campus will be printed on the ID cards because the ID system pulls directly from Infinite Campus.
  • When do students get their textbooks? All textbooks will be issued during the first week of school.
  • What is the best way to stay informed about events at the school? You may stay informed by accessing the school website, the school Facebook page, and the school Twitter account. Most events are listed on the website’s school calendar. Counselors also have email blasts to parents if the parent has signed up for the email blast with the counselor.
  • How can I get more information about PTSA? You can access PTSA information on the school website under the Parent tab. 
  • What is the best way to contact teachers? The best way to contact a teacher is through ParentSquare, email, or you may call the school to set up a conference. 
  • How can a student change their schedule? Schedule changes can only be done the first five days of the semester with a counselor’s approval, after five days it must be approved by the Principal or Assistant Principal of Instruction.
  • Where does my child get the certificates needed for their driver’s permit and license? Students must sign-up with Ms. Murray in the AP's Office (downstairs of the Prep building) and pay the $3.00 fee. Documents included: ADAP certificate and DDS-1 form (enrollment certification). Please note:  If you DID NOT take Health in Glynn County Schools, you will have to print your own ADAP certificate from www.dds.ga.gov


  • Will I be contacted if my child is having behavioral or academic concerns? Yes, you will be contacted by school personnel if there is an issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Will I be contacted if my child receives a disciplinary action? You will be contacted by the teacher or an administrator.
  • What is In-School Suspension? In-School Suspension (ISS) is the removal of students from their classes so that they can do their assignments while separated from their peers.
  • Is my child allowed to have a cell phone?  Yes, but students should not use cell phones or any other electronic device in the classroom.
  • Where can I pick up electronic devices that have been confiscated by school? You may pick up confiscated electronics in the Assistant Principals’ office who handled the disciplinary referral.

Media Center

  • When is the media center open? The media center is open from 7:30 AM to 3:45 PM every school day. All students are welcome to use the media center before and after school and during their lunch. Students must have a pass from a teacher to use the media center during class time.
  • If I forget to bring my ID card, can I still check out books? No, you must have your ID with you to check out books.
  • May I check out a book for a friend using my ID card? No, do not check out books for friends using your ID card.
  • If I pay for a lost book and it is found later, will I be reimbursed? Yes, if your book is found after you have paid for it, you will receive your money back as long as this occurs before the school year ends.
  • Is there a charge for overdue library books? There is a 5 cent per day charge for overdue library books. Lost or damaged books will result in a replacement cost for that book.
  • Are students allowed to use the computers and the Internet in the media center? Yes, students may use computers and the Internet for school work only.
  • How many books may I have checked out from the library at one time? You may have five books checked out to you at one time. Books are checked out for two weeks at a time and can be renewed after the two week time period.



  • Can I bring a laptop to school?  Yes, you may bring a laptop to school.
  • Does the school have wireless internet capability?  Yes, the school does have wireless capability.
  • Who can help me with parent or student passwords and logins to online resources? The Media Specialist can help you with passwords and online resource logins.
  • Do all teachers have web pages? Yes, all teachers have web pages and these pages are linked to the school home page.


Counseling Department

  • How can I best monitor my child’s progress in school? Parents and students can login to our Infinite Campus Parent Portal located on the homepage of the school website. Infinite Campus Parent Portal includes grades, assignments, attendance, report cards, class schedules, lunch accounts, and teacher information.  If you need to set up an Infinite Campus Parent Portal, follow the instructions located under the Parent tab to set one up. In addition to Infinite Campus, every teacher has a website where they list lesson plans, homework assignments, due dates, etc. Feel free to contact teachers directly with any questions or concerns you have about your child’s progress. All teacher email addresses are available on Infinite Campus Parent Portal and their Teachers’ websites.
  • What are the graduation requirements for my student? A full description of the Graduation Requirements for each graduating class are posted on the website under the Parent tab. 
  • How can I check my student’s GPA and Class Rank? Currently, the parent portal of Infinite Campus does not list student GPA or Rank.  That information is only available on students’ official transcripts, which you can request from your counselor.  In addition, counselors can provide you with your student’s “Advisement Worksheet,” which includes specific details of your student’s progress towards graduation: credit check, GPA, course planning, and graduation test scores. 
  • When is it best for students to take their first SAT/ACT exam?  The recommendation is typically at the END of junior year.  So, juniors should plan to take either the May SAT or the April ACT (or both if you chose).  Please know that colleges accept either test and they will also accept your best individual scores for each section.   
    Registration information: Glynn Academy’s school code is 110475.  Test Center Code (for ACT) is 162040.  
  • What is the difference between the SAT and ACT? In brief, both tests are accepted at most schools.  The SAT was considered the golden standard for many years, but there is truly no preference from most colleges now.  In fact, the SAT has just been redesigned with some similarities to scoring as the ACT, but the main differences between the two exams are listed below:
          -SAT (includes Reading, Math, Writing) = Aptitude (suggests to be a predictor of college success)  vs.
         -ACT (includes Reading, Math, Writing, & Science) = Achievement test (standardized assessment of what has been learned thus far)
    Remember:  Most colleges will accept your best scores from either test!  Also, you can view the ACT / SAT score concordance chart
  • Can students choose to Graduate Early?  If so, what is the process to do so? While it is not often recommended for students to graduate early, we recognize that sometimes there are special circumstances that do warrant this need.  Students who elect to complete their graduation requirements early may obtain the “Early Graduate Request Form” from the counseling office. It is important to consider the pros and cons of this decision before moving forward and the counselors can help with this decision.  Part of this application requires parents to write a letter of support of this decision to our Principal, including details of the student’s post-secondary plans.  The counselors will work closely with students and their parents to develop an early graduation plan.  Students may opt out of this plan and elect to continue to complete their high school experience through May.



  • What sports and extracurricular activities are offered at Glynn Academy? All club and sports information is listed under the Extracurricular tab on the website. 
  • What are the seasons for the sports? You may find this information on the Athletic page under the Extracurricular tab on the website.
  • When are the athletics physicals given and for how long are they valid? Athletic physicals are given every spring and are valid for one year.


  • What is the cost of items in the cafeteria? Breakfast and lunch are free to all students. 
  • Are microwaves available for student use in the cafeteria? No, there are no microwaves available for student use.
  • How long is the lunch break? Each lunch is 25 minutes long.
  • Can students leave campus for lunch? Only Seniors who have a platinum card are allowed to leave campus for lunch.