Business & Technology Daily Agenda

Business & Technology Daily Agenda

Teacher : Mrs. Veal

Course/ Subject: Business & Technology

Date of Instruction:  August 23

Opening (I Do)

An engaging process for lesson introduction that is specifically planned to encourage equitable and purposeful student participation. Describe the instructional process that will be used to introduce the lesson.

TKES 1, 2, 3,4,5, 8,10


BMA-BT-1 (Employability: Demonstrate employability skills required in business and industry), BMA-BT-1.3 (career planning)

Learning Target:

I CAN understand which values are important to business owners.

Success Criteria:

  1. I can understand values.

  2. I can predict the values that are important to business owners.

  3. I can analyze the values that are important to business owners. 

  4. I can use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a one-slide flyer.


Terror Ten (Warm-up): Google Classroom


Opening (I do): Introduction to "Values" and ethics.      

Work Period  (We Do, You Do)

Students learning by doing/demonstrating learning expectations.  Describe the instructional process that will be used to engage the students in the work period.

TKES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. 8,10


We Do: As a class, we will create a "Code of Ethics" wall. 


You Do: Go to Scan the list and pick 10 values that describe you.  Next, make a list of 10 values that employers look for in an employee.  Compare/contrast the two list.

Each student picks 1 value and creates a one-slide presentation.  Each slide should include:

  • Define each term: Be clear about the objectives and what the code is intended to accomplish. 

  • Give real life relevant examples of the term (give positive or negative examples). Respond to real-life questions and situations. 

  • Explain the importance of this personal characteristic and why it’s needed in business and society

  • Have a relevant picture(s)

Closing  (We Check)

Describe the instructional process that will be used to close the lesson and check for student understanding .

      TKES : 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8


Closing (We Check): Print out your Values slide and post on the "Code of Ethics" wall. 

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