Day 1 Distance, Calendar,Technology, Expectations

Day 1 Distance, Calendar,Technology, Expectations

all attachments are in your GOOGLE CLASSROOM, not here.
Learning Target: I can use technology to communicate in Distance Learning class.
I can express dates in Spanish.

Success Criteria: I can recall days, months and dates in Spanish. I communicate with my teacher according to the four (4) required parts of the rubric:
40 points. Attend MANDATORY Google Meet the first 20 minutes of your regularly scheduled class (2nd=10:00-10:20, 3rd=11:40-12:00, 4th=2:00-2:30)
20 points. Type "yes" or "no" IN THE private comment box attached "Distance Learning Day 1 Expectations Agreement"
20 points. Type "Hola." in the PRIVATE COMMENT box of the document assignment. (NOT the "class comment" box).
20 points. Press TURN IN after you finish reading and signing off on the "Distance Learning Expectations Agreement."
BONUS POINTS to the person who tells me, in the CLASS COMMENTS box, how to type the following characters on a laptop: ñ, ó, á, é, í, ú, ¿, ¡
Students Do:
1. Use your notes to complete the graded submissions . Access them where they are attached on lessons 8/24 and 8/27:

8/24 Edpuzzle - Alphabet Listening Quiz B (turn up the audio to complete it)

8/27 REQUIRED submission Edpuzzle - Spanish Months, Days, and Dates ????

2. Watch the attached short Maestro Kaplan video lesson on days, months, and dates.

3. Please make sure you start learning the attached first three pages of the "Days Dates Months Seasons.rtf google doc.

Copy to Google Calendar  •  Download iCal Event