Day 1 Span 1 Benefits of Learning Spanish, Greetings
- What
- Day 1 Span 1 Benefits of Learning Spanish, Greetings
- When
- 8/9/2022
Day 1 note: please put your phone in slot # _____, just inside my door. Then look at the smart board to locate your seat." Greet at door. Seating Chart (Look for your photo on Smartboard to see where you sit)
Standard: Compare cultural differences in the target language.
Learning Target: What are some benefits of learning a foreign language?
Success Criteria: I will know I've got it when I can say, "Nice to meet you," and respond "Same here," in Spanish
Intro/Connection (Daily 10) - In English, write a list of as many ways we greet each other. ex: hello, hi, how ya’ doin’, sup? good morning, etc.
Direct Instruction/Guided Practice
Take attendance in IC.
Check your schedule to make sure you are in the correct teacher’s class.
Background of Teacher
-share your list of English greetings from the Daily 10.
True False guessing game about teacher (raise hand (levanta la mano) in this class to speak or answer.
"Señora Fendig's "meet and greet" call out names from seating chart, record preferred name if different.
Mucho Gusto Activity, around room (Nice to meet you)
Mucho gusto song - Hear, Repeat, Do (say to three neighbors in front, back, or beside you)
Kahoot Index Card Activity: "First Day Interesting Latino Facts"/Getting to know you index card- (in class, pencils given if needed) Answer the kahoot questions, turn back in.
Show my teacher website on GA page, where to click for tonight's reading and writing hw. Explain the hw assignment (give out paper copies)
Point out homework board to students!
Read over the Open House Document aloud from Smart Board
Give out supplies slips to students who did not come to open house.
Announce Homework, give out Benefits of learning Spanish” worksheets.
If time, start perusing rest of my website with students, read through the home “About Me”page, calendar page, home About Me page, Resources page
student readers of pages SH0-SH1 at the beginning of the book.If time, show Nickelodeon hispanic heritage month commercials.
Assessment Strategy: gauge oral responses, make notes of seating chart errors for changes
Summarize: Tell teacher as you head out the door, "Nice to Meet You" in Spanish!
Homework: Due tomorrow: Complete the "Benefits of Studying Spanish handout" (attached)
Attachments: yes, in student's google classroom