Span 1

Span 1

Standard: Novice Greetings in Spanish,

Learning Targets: I can converse politely with greetings in Spanish.

Success Criteria: I can explain the difference between "tú" and "usted"

Into your Daily ten's, write today's date. Then: Using your knowledge from all we have done this week (or seen in videos), write five "Test Questions." (Don't write the answer, though.)
Examples. "1. How would you respond if someone asked, "¿Cómo te llamas?"
2. What is the extra letter in the Spanish alphabet?

Direct Instruction/Guided Practice:
id's on?
take up late homeworks
Day 4 "First Days of School ppt"

Finish writing the English meanings on the Greetings packet page 1.
With your partner, complete page 3 of the greetings packet

LET's get ONLINE while in class today (Chromebooks Cart)

1) sign on to google classroom,

2) REQUIRED online submission: do your "ABOUT ME" form, submit it to me. It is attached below.

Cinco Thinko:

Cultural ways of greeting around the world Also: Puerto Rico update for travel, and Google Earth around Puerto Rico!!!

Homework: Do today's google form called "About Me" by Monday if not done in class today (absentees)

Assessment Strategy: gauge by monitoring

Summarize: Ticket out the door : Tell me one type of "despedida" in Spanish.

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