French 1 - Lesson Plan

French 1 - Lesson Plan

Learning Target: I know that I have learned it when I can:

I can describe my family.

Success Criteria:
I know the irregular verb ETRE.
I know 20+ French adjectives.
I know how/when to make adjectives "agree".
I know the irregular verb AVOIR.
I know the proper vocabulary to discuss my family.

INTRODUCTION: D.10 - Vocab check!


We'll review La Famille Vocab - people + descriptions (name, age, hair, eye color, etc)

We'll read examples of great family member paragraphs and then write our own for our family projects. The expectation is to have 3 paragraphs finished today!

We'll work on 'editing' in French.

We'll learn our possessive articles (mon, ton, son, etc). We'll practice them in writing to be sure that you got it. - see fam+possession worksheet below

Family Kahoot!

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