French 1 - Lesson Plan

French 1 - Lesson Plan

Learning Target: I know that I have learned it when I can:

I can describe my classroom

Success Criteria:
I know the irregular verb AVOIR.
I know the proper vocabulary to discuss school supplies/things found in a school.

INTRODUCTION: D.10 - Articles - do you know which to use?? 1st we'll see if you have inherent skill to guess the gender of words you've never seen. Then we'll try it with words from this chapter.

What have we learned about school in France so far? Today we'll discuss class schedules in France - how are they similar/different to a typical U.S. schedule.
We'll relabel our classroom to practice identifying and describing what we see.

Let's add on a couple expressions to further talk about the classroom (J'ai un stylo, il y a deux fenetres)

We'll practice in writing and orally - dans ma trousse worksheet

We'll practice going from "a ____" to "the ____"

We'll do some reading practice

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