Spanish I

Spanish I

Learning Targets: I am continuing to master food vocabulary in Spanish. I am learning and becoming familiar with correct usage of "gustar." I am learning the conjugations of ER & IR Verbs

Success Criteria: I can describe and write what type of foods other people and I eat for breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner, and dessert. I can tell what I and other people have for beverages. I can use "gustar" in sentences and describe what I and You like. I can say "I like tacos" "you do not like breakfast." I can give the conjugation endings for ER (o, es, e, emos, eis, en) & IR (o, es, e, imos, eis, en) Verbs.

Intro connection/Hazlo Ahora:
Guided Practice/Instruction:
Complete Hazlo Ahora

Take notes & Go over "Gustar"---To like

Complete Gustar worksheet

Create a minimum of 45 second skit asking and responding to a partner what are some foods and activities they like or do not like. Example: "Te gustan las papas fritas?" ---"no me gustan las papas fritas"
"Te gusta estudiar?"--- "Si me gusta estudiar"

Present to Class
Educational games for ER, IR, AR verb conjugations, and verb Gustar.

If tIme: Work on food vocab packet

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