Upper Level Spanish

Upper Level Spanish

Learning Target: I am practicing for the AP Exam and Final exam
Success Criteria: I can successfully complete Part B of AP Exam Practice

Hazlo Ahora:
Present Movie Project to class

Present Movie Project (Hazlo Ahora)

Begin AP Exam Practice

Part B

Time — Approximately 55 minutes

You have 1 minute to read the directions for this

You will listen to several audio selections. The first
two audio selections are accompanied by reading
selections. When there is a reading selection, you
will have a designated amount of time to read it.
For each audio selection, first you will have a
designated amount of time to read a preview of the
selection as well as to skim the questions that you
will be asked. Each selection will be played twice.
As you listen to each selection, you may take notes.
Your notes will not be scored.
After listening to each selection the first time, you
will have 1 minute to begin answering the
questions; after listening to each selection the
second time, you will have 15 seconds per question
to finish answering the questions. For each
question, choose the response that is best according
to the audio and/or reading selection and mark your
answer on your answer sheet.

You will now begin this part.

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