Counseling Department » Naviance & Future Planning

Naviance & Future Planning

Glynn County Schools & Glynn Academy are invested in the mission of helping prepare students for their futures because we know that student's who know their purpose are students who are more motivated, focused, and goal-oriented.  We also want to help student's not only know what they want their careers to include, but what they should be doing in high school to prepare and what plan makes the most overall sense to get them there after high school graduation?
These are are questions that we have programs like Naviance, countless community resources and partners that can help us find the best plans and answers for each unique student; not mention a school counselor who stays with your student throughout the high school journey.
We are thrilled that you are looking for resources and information below we assure you is a great place to start!  Contact your school counselor for additional support and planning!
At Glynn Academy we utilize Naviance for Future Planning & to fulfill the Georgia Department of Education Bridge Bill Law Requirements.  Each grade level has activities that each student is required to complete which helps to motivate those of us who need a firm due date, to also partake in the benefits of future planning and these activities are:
9th Grade   
  • Naviance's Career Interest Profiler
  • Identify 3+ Career options from the Career Interest Profiler results
10th Grade
  • Naviance's StrengthExplorer
11th Grade
  • Naviance's College SuperMatch
  • Identify 3+ updated Career options from the past survey results
  • Identify 3+ College options from the College SuperMatch results
  • View the Workforce Development Presentation & related survey
12th Grade
  • Complete the Senior Graduation Plan Survey
Important to Note:
- We absolutely understand that college isn't a required route for every student to succeed, but information is power.  This is why each student is required to at least identify colleges (including Technical & Community Colleges) that could be good-fits at some point in their future.  We also encourage all students to learn about possible military, employment and apprenticeships so that all students realize the many options available to high school graduates.
Dual Enrollment (DE) Opportunities
- All high school students also have opportunities to explore Dual Enrollment opportunities which we share with students and families through an evening event held in the Fall and Spring Semesters.  If you are interested in learning more at this time, click the Dual Enrollment on the right link bar.
Individualized Graduation Plans (IGPs)
- All high school students also have a scheduled Individualized Graduation Plan (IGP) meeting that we hold in late January through early March every year.  We call these meetings "Advisement or Registration Meetings"  in these meetings we educate student and families about their course offerings for the upcoming year and discuss the pathway that they are pursuing and opportunities that they might wayt to consider to support their future goals.
Exploring all that Naviance has to offer!
- All high school students are required to complete the activities listed above at each specified grade level, but if a student wishes to explore all of the other survey, tools and features of Naviance they may do so at any time.  We want it to be a valued resource to every family in Glynn County Schools.
Picture Guide to Enter & Use Naviance