Mrs. Amanda Baker » ASL 1


Welcome to

American Sign Language 1

with Mrs. Baker

Glynn Academy

Purpose of this course:

Language and communication are the essence of all that is human. Learning American Sign Language will provide students with an opportunity to communicate with the deaf community, to develop an appreciation of the diversity of our society, and to develop a deeper understanding of their own language and culture.


Mrs. Baker's Contact info:

912-267-4210, Ext. 3308

[email protected]


Course resources: What do I need for this class?

3-ring binder or folder (for handouts), pencil/pen, highlighter and a willing attitude!! 




ASL Class Rules:

  1. Be on time, on task and ready to learn daily.
  2. Have all of your materials with you every day.
  3. Keep all personal electronics put away.
  4. Be responsible for your own learning.
  5. Respect the teacher, the classroom, and other students.
  6. Clean up your messes. 
  7. Sign, sign, sign!

Limited Talking Policy:

We will strive to only use ASL in our classroom for two reasons:

  • It is considered rude and insulting to talk in front of a Deaf person and not sign. When you do so, the Deaf person misses out on the conversation. Since our goal is to get to know Deaf people in the community, it is crucial that we develop the habit of signing, even when Deaf people are not present.
  • This is an immersion class, so the target language is used during instructional time.
  • Turning off your voice and signing will help you to develop both your comprehension skills and your expressive skills quickly and effectively. Talking disrupts this process and delays your language development.



  • Daily/Homework: 30%
  • Quizzes: 25% 
  • Tests: 25%
  • Final Exam: 20%

Daily Grades: 

  • You will be graded on participation in class and guided practice activities.
  • Every day we will complete a Daily 10 activity at the start of class; these activities will be turned in on Friday for a weekly grade. 



To get better at signing, you have to use what you've learned inside the classroom and out in the "real world."

  • Go online to reputable websites such as and to research signs you want to know.
  • Practice, practice, practice! 
  • Teach your family the signs we learn in class. Teach your friends, your significant other... you can even teach your dog!



You will have a short quiz every Friday to assess what you learned during the week. 
Developing Our "Deaf Awareness":
  • This semester you will meet Deaf people from our community who use ASL daily. This is a wonderful chance for you to practice with native signers and build up your confidence. You don't want to miss these special days of class!
  • Occasionally, we will watch films in ASL or about Deaf characters. We will develop greater understandings of Deaf culture and the extraordinary lives of Deaf people.


Projects: You will have several "projects" this semester. They will count as quiz grades.


Project 1: The “Handmade Alphabet” Project


Project 2: Deaf Culture Slides Presentation


Ongoing Project: Portfolio of Expressive Signing Proficiency (via FlipGrid videos completed throughout the semester)

    • Introducing Yourself (name/grade/likes/dislikes)
    • Describing Your Language Background (languages learned past/present/future)
    • Telling Where You Live (location/house description)
    • Describing your Living Situation (who you live with/pets)



  • You will be tested at the end of each of the units we study this semester.
  • We will spend an entire class block the day before each unit test to study and prepare.
  • If you pay attention in class and participate, you will do well on your tests.


Final Exam: 

  • This is a receptive skills/comprehension exam covering all of the units we covered this semester. The exam will test your ability to understand what is being signed to you as well as your knowledge of the Deaf culture topics/grammar concepts learned in class.  *Students who meet the district established criteria may be eligible to exempt the final exam. You must have a class average of at least an 80, 5 or fewer unexcused absences, and no disciplinary referrals.*


Extra Credit Opportunities:

  • Earn extra credit tickets for participating in review activities in class 
  • Complete ASL word search puzzles or ASL Sudoku puzzles
  • Select and read a novel about a Deaf character or by a Deaf author and write a summary of it
  • Attend a Deaf event or interact with a member of the Deaf community and write about your experience.
* Extra credit points can be used on daily grades and quizzes, but not applied to tests or projects.*


You have the potential to be an awesome signer. Embrace this opportunity.

Let’s have an amazing semester in ASL 1 !


ASL 1 Course Sequence:

This class will use resources from the ASL textbook: 

Signing Naturally: Units 1-3 by Smith, Lentz, and Mikos (2007).

Unit 1: Introducing Oneself

Week 1:

Pre-Unit: Deaf Culture Awareness/Introduction to ASL, Getting to Know You (syllabus/procedures/building classroom community)

Week 2: 

Signing Naturally: Fingerspelling 101: The Manual Alphabet

Fingerspelled Names & Fist Letters

Up Letters & Down Letters

Double Letters

Moving Letters Z & J

Fingerspelling Quiz

Week 3: 

Signing Naturally Unit 1: 

  1.  Getting to Know You
  2.  Cardinal Numbers 1-10
  3.  Same or Different 1

Unit 1, Quiz 1

Week 4: 

  1. Introducing Oneself
  2.  Cardinal Numbers 11-15
  3.  Same or Different 2

Unit 1, Quiz 2

Week 5:

1.7  Identifying people (Asking Who)

1.8  Identifying Where: Inside, Above, Below

1.9 Commands Involving the Body & Objects

Unit 1, Quiz 3

Week 6: 

1.10 Following instructions

1.11 Culture: Getting others’ attention

Unit 1 Review day

Unit 1 Exams- Receptive & Expressive

Unit 2: Exchanging Personal Information

Week 7:

2.1 Giving Information About Yourself

2.2 Cardinal Numbers 16-19

2.3 Identifying Locations: Tic-tac-toe

Unit 2, Quiz 1

Week 8: 

2.4 Narrating Experience with Languages

2.5 Fingerspelling: Up Letters

2.6 Talking About Leisure Activities

2.7 Cardinal Numbers 20-29

Unit 2, Quiz 2

Week 9:

2.8 Describing Three types of Shapes

2.9 Identifying People

2.10 Fingerspelling: Double Letters

2.11 Culture: Negotiating a Signing Environment

Unit 2, Quiz 3

Week 10: 

2.12 Asking What is the Sign

Unit 2 review days

Unit 2 Exam (receptive)

Unit 3: Discussing Living Situations 

Week 11: 

3.1 Telling Where One Lives

3.2 Giving Commands: Locations

3.3 Communicating with the Face

Unit 3, Quiz 1

Week 12:

3.4 Fingerspelling: Moving Letter Z

3.5 Discussing One’s residence

3.6 Getting Basic Directions: Around the Classroom

Unit 3, Quiz 2

Week 13:

3.7 Identifying Which Square 1

3.8 Cardinal Numbers 30-66

3.9 Talking About Roommates and Pets 

Unit 3, Quiz 3

Week 14: 

3.10 Giving Basic Directions: Expressing Needs

3.11 Fingerspelling Down Letters: P, Q, Y

3.12 Telling How Long

Unit 3, Quiz 4

Week 15: 

3.13 Traveling to School or Work

3.14 Identifying Which Square 2

3.15 Asking What Is the Sign

Unit 3, Quiz 5

Week 16:

3.16 Reviewing Cardinal Numbers 30-66

Unit 3 Review days 

Unit 3 Exam (Receptive)

Week 17:

Conversational ASL practice (Using our signing skills  in authentic dialogues- language in context) 

(TBA- Deaf community visitors)

Final Exam Review days

Week 18:

Final Exam review days

Final Exam Administration 


Handmade Alphabet Project 

Deaf Culture Slides Project

Portfolio of Expressive Signing Proficiency (via FlipGrid videos)

*Please note: Mrs. Baker reserves the right to adjust assignments/projects and instructional pacing as needed to best meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Questions/concerns- please email: [email protected]