Melanie Lofton » Introduction to Software Technology

Introduction to Software Technology


 Introduction to Software Technology (IST) is part of the Information Technology Career Cluster.  It is the first course for the Computer Science Pathway and Web Design Pathway. This course is designed for high school students to understand, communicate, and adapt to a digital world as it impacts their personal life, society, and the business world. Exposure to foundational knowledge in hardware, software, programming, web design, IT support, and networks are all taught in a computer lab with hands-on activities and project focused tasks. 

Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of both the employability skills standards and content standards for this course. 


Website Calendar Students in Intro to Software Technology  will use  Google Classroom to access the "Weekly  Agenda" which includes: assignments, quizzes, links to articles/videos and updates daily.

You can Download the Google Classroom App OR log into your google school account.Username: [email protected] , Password: 6 digit DOB