Marie Hartshorn » Classroom Expectations & Procedures

Classroom Expectations & Procedures

Edgenuity Procedures

  1. YOU ARE REQUIRED to fill out and submit a Test Pledge for each of your Edgenuity courses using this link:


  1. You are REQUIRED to take notes in every lesson. MUST show notes to teacher before a quiz is released.
  2. YOU ARE REQUIRED to listen to the lecture with either the headphones provided or your personal listening devices, such as earbuds.
  3. For your “Daily Ten”, if your Edgenuity class requires an EOC or if you have an EOC class scheduled this semester, YOU ARE REQUIRED to do a Progress Learning activity daily, as indicated by your teacher.
  4. YOU ARE REQUIRED to attempt to answer EVERY practice question. Failure to do so will result in 0 for grade. You will still be required to redo the assignment.
  5. DO NOT USE COPYING AND PASTING when answering questions, particularly when you redo an assignment. When you redo an assignment, you are expected to write down short response questions on notebook, prior to writing them on program. 
  6. Upon failing a quiz, YOU ARE REQUIRED to go back to the questions you missed & write them down. Then, go back to your notes/lecture/online content and FIND the correct answer. Your teacher will go over the corrected answers with you and unlock the next quiz when you have done so.
  7. If you fail a quiz 2 times, your teacher will require you to do additional activities before allowing a retake.
  8. Reviews of quizzes will not be given to students doing EOC courses (Biology & US History) Reviews of other subjects will be at the teacher’s discretion. Only 1 review will be given and not on pretests.
  9. You may use notes on quiz but not on Prescriptive, Topic Test or Cumulative Exam.
  10. You may create and use a formula sheet for Final if applicable.