Dr. Susan Ripple » Tuesday Talks

Tuesday Talks

Starting in September, Glynn Academy will host monthly classroom meetings, or Tuesday Talking Points, during the first 10 minutes of 2nd block.  On the third Tuesday of each month, in lieu of the daily announcements, classroom teachers will lead students in a 10-minute self-reflection and/or goal-setting activity.  Each lesson is designed to give students the opportunity to reflect on their progress (both academically and personally), to identify barriers which may be impeding their learning, and to help develop an action plan for addressing their goals. 


The presentation includes key talking points and/or a snapshot of current research data, which we hope inspires students to take a deeper dive into each topic.  Parents and guardians can support student growth by reviewing the Talking Points presentation themselves and using it as a springboard for engaging students in further discussion (see links below).